see ESN Zürich Office for information about our office.


When Thu 27. February 2025 17:45 - 21:45 
Meeting place UZH Turmküche (KOL-K-Küche)
Address: Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
Welcome Week: International Dinner 

Get ready for a culinary trip across the world! You will represent your home country by adding something to our international buffet. The dinner will take place at UZH Turmküche.

Think about a typical dish from your home country and prepare it for the other exchange students to try - however, please don't bring more than 3-4 portions of it so we don't have too much food :) - be creative!
You’ll have the possibility to heat up your food (oven, pans, microwave etc.) at Turmküche just keep in mind there may be limited space, so please prepare your dish before coming.

please write in the comment from which country you bring a dish and if it is savory or sweet. 
please bring your own cup, cutlery and plate (yey environment!)

ESN Zurich will provide beverages and a Swiss dish.

Looking forward to our culinary trip! :)

For questions, contact Clara on telegram: @cnorenberg
You can buy the ESNcard at this event.

Max. Participants40 -> Registration is necessary.
Entrance / Fee
without ESN card: CHF 0.00
with ESN card: CHF 0.00
Coordinator(s) Clara Nörenberg - Anna-Lena Rubli - Andrew Zehr - Lena Grimm 

How to find the Turmküche?

  1. go to the UZH main building (building KOL, Rämistrasse 7)
  2. you arrive either from Rämistrasse in floor E or from Kunstgasse in floor D
  3. take the elevator to floor K


from Rämistrasse (floor E):

  1. turn right
  2. walk around the corners to the elevator (there should be signs)
  3. the elevator is kinda diagonally to the right on the other side from where you came in from Rämistrasse
  4. take the elevator to floor K
  5. turn right and go into the door on the right




from Kunstgasse (floor D):

  1. turn left
  2. take the elevator to floor K
  3. turn right and go into the door on the right

Registration Mon 3. February 2025 - Wed 26. February 2025
Event list