see ESN Zürich Office for information about our office.


When Wed 15. May 2024 18:30 - 23:55 
Meeting place ETH HG F 1
Address: Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Movie night hosted by SOSETH 

Did you know that every Wednesday there is a cinema in the big lecture hall at ETH? We are teaming up with SOSETH to organize an unforgettable movie night. The lecture hall F 1 is equipped with a high quality projector and surround sound. Best of all, it’s free and no registration is necessary!

Get ready for a captivating movie night! If you are curious to know which movie will be displayed, you can find out by joining their Telegram channel:
The movie will be shown in English with German subtitles. Join us for an unforgettable screening experience and check out to find out more about SOSETH!

When: May 15th, 18.30 (please arrive 15 minutes early to ensure a smooth and punctual start)

Where: ETH main building, HG F 1

Unfortunately, no food or drinks are allowed in the lecture hall. There will be a 10 minute break halfway through the movie.

For any questions feel free to contact Maï Ly ->


Max. Participantsno limit -> Registration is not necessary.
Entrance / Fee
without ESN card: CHF 0.00
with ESN card: CHF 0.00
Coordinator(s) Maï Ly Leclair 


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