see ESN Zürich Office for information about our office.


When Sun 17. March 2024 09:45 - 20:00 
Meeting place Zurich HB
Hike to Creux du Van - Switzerland's Grand Canyon! 
Creux du Van
Embark on an unforgettable journey as we explore the breath-taking beauty of the Swiss Jura. Join us for a day filled with awe-inspiring landscapes, camaraderie, and the invigorating challenge of hiking to Creux du Van!

Creux du Van, often referred to as the "Swiss Grand Canyon," is a majestic natural amphitheater nestled within the Jura Mountains. This excursion promises an exciting blend of adventure and cultural exchange as we delve into the heart of Switzerland's stunning scenery.

09:45: meet at Zurich HB
12:03: Arrive in Noiraige, start hiking
14:00: Reach Creux du Van, have lunch
17:54: Take the train back to Zurich
19:56: Arrive in Zurich HB

Trekking shoes with good grip are an absolute minimum! There is a risk of slipping on the trail which can result in serious injury. Should you slip near the crest, it's a 160m fall straight down, so if you do not wear appropriate clothes, we will send you home


Max. Participants24 -> Registration is necessary.
Entrance / Fee
without ESN card: CHF 15.00
with ESN card: CHF 11.00
Entrance / Fee Comment

We get very cheap tickets as ESN is registered as a "school". However, these tickets are usually only valid for people below the age of 25 (specifically, 24.99 years old or younger). If you are 25 years old or older, pay 0 CHF to register and contact the organisers directly. Worst case, you'd have to organise the ticket yourself

Coordinator(s) Fabian Weber - Clara Nörenberg 


Registration Mon 11. March 2024 - Sat 16. March 2024
Event list